Archives for category: yoga in Bushwick

Boutique Yoga Bushwick’s, Kristin is Expanding

sharing the Joy of Yoga and Transformation.

Check out the New Yoga Classes in Brooklyn and the Lower East Side, NYC

Quick Overview,
class descriptions & details below


Tuesdays Yoga Class/Workshops at The Living Gallery, 7:30-9:30
1094 Broadway, Brooklyn, 11221
(across the street from Boutique)
$15- sliding scale available

Wednesdays Rotate: Boutique Yoga
& Inner Garden in NYC

May: 5/15 (Next Wed.) & 5/29
Inner Garden + Art Oasis
80 Bowery, Chinatown
Open Levels Hatha Vinyasa-6:30pm

Wednesday, May 22nd, 8pm

Club Fit at Target Community Garden, 931-933 Bedford Ave, Brooklyn
-1st & 3rd Saturdays-
Class Dates: May 18,  June 1 and 15,  July 6 and 20,
August 3 and 17,  September 7 and 21

The Living Gallery (Art & Community Space)
1094 Broadway, Brooklyn, 11221 (directly across from Boutique space)

Yoga Class, 3-4pm taught by both Kristin & Hanah Fazio
BBQ to Follow! This is going to be a lot of fun 🙂
Bring something to grill or Donate $5
Great chance to get together and meet the art & yoga community

TUESDAYS at The Living Gallery, 7:30-9:30pm
Yoga Class/Workshops

5/14-Alchemical Yoga
5/21-Yoga & Sound Magic
5/28-Yoga-Dance Jungle


We will do introductions to get to know each other, share an intention, and then I will do an
Ascended Masters Oracle Card Reading to set a group intention.

Alchemy is the ability to move and transmute energy.
The class will be a journey through each energy body, using yoga asanas (poses),
pranayama (breath work), visualization, as well as therapeutic guidance to be able to identify where we hold certain energies,
and how we can calm, release, activate, or transform what is there.

I will also guide you on how to scan yourself externally, so we can better identify where we may have “blockages”.

1 on 1 Private Healing/Transformation Sessions Available
Donation Basis (min. $50 Donation)

Receive nurturing support to “untie knots”, bring clarity, ease, balance, greater health and prosperity.
Inquire Within


Kristin Mirabelle
Boutique Yoga

1089 Broadway,
Brooklyn, NY 11221

(917) 651-7717

Boutique Yoga Teacher-Kristin Mirabelle by John Kazar

-Reflecting on the seeds that have been planted and watered since t…he last new moon
-Awakening our connection to our anscestors
-Clearing space to connect to our true consciousness
-Opening up to the fire of creative passion
-Co-creating a journey to contribute our gifts to the universal life force
-Song Sharing and Exploration of Alchemy through Sound & Mantra
-marvelous percussionist, John Kazar, will be providing beats for this journey
-Song Sharing, we invite you to contribute a song. We ask that it is practiced as it will be your gift to offer..

Requested Donation $10-Infinity
FREE IF YOU SHARE A SONG, although all donations are welcomed and appreciated

Dress in a manner you’d like to meet your spirit guide in

Email us to

In Light,

Kristin & John
Boutique Yoga
1089 Broadway
Bushwick, NY 11221
(917) 651-7717

Boutique Yoga is Excited to Welcome you Into the Space for a Journey where we’ll co-create to meet our spirit guide and pray to a collective energetic force that holds us together and feeds the spirits of all elements.
We will be celebrating the new moon, which is a time …of new beginnings, planting new seeds for the month to come. It also happens to be the Chinese New Year!

Evening will consist of moving to break up stagnant energy, powerful kundalini breath work, guided meditation, sound healing and a song sharing celebration.

We invite you to share a devotional song, mantra, or prayer. It is required that it is practiced, as it will be a gift to your spirit guide.

John, Boutique Studios founder, will be providing musical accompaniment on this journey. He is known for his world music drumming and has graced the beat of percussion for 30 years.

Requested Donation $7-$12 (No one turned away) FREE IF YOU SHARE A SONG! Although all donations are accepted 😉

Dress in a manner that you would like to meet your spirit guide in. Feel free to be creative 🙂


Please feel free to share this event with friends.

In Light,

Kristin & John
Boutique Yoga
1089 Broadway
Bushwick, NY 11221

(917) 651-7717

Winter is approaching; days are getting colder and grayer, sometimes wet. It’s natural that our bodies want to go into hibernation.    

Well, yoga is all about balance, so it’s time we fight the good fight and get our butts moving! The beauty of yoga is that all you need is you. We tend to use the excuse of, “Ohh, but it’s cold. I have to take a train to this yoga studio, blah, blah blah”.  Let go of any and all judgments you have of what a yoga practice is supposed to be, because you know how to move, there’s no right or wrong. You can practice right in your own apartment. If you are feeling stagnant, the best thing you can do is a brisk yoga practice, throw in a bit of bhastrika (rapid breath of fire), and focus on core work.

A great way to start your day is doing 10 rapid runs of sun salutations. To really fan your fire, stop at high plank and do 21 rounds of powerful breathing exercises— kapalbhati or bhastrika. Kapalbhati, or cleansing breath, is a forced and active exhale pumping the stomach, the inhale is passive. This breathing should only be through the nose. Bhastrika, or rapid breath of fire, is a vigorous inhale and exhale, which should be fast and full. Focus on exhaling all of the stale air out because your inhale is innate. 

Interested in increasing circulation within the whole body? Look no further than shoulder stand. She is the queen of all asanas, so she is very effective by bringing fresh blood to the lungs, heart, thyroid, helping empower these areas to release toxins avoiding typical winter illnesses. Plus, this is a fun, childlike pose to play with! Always follow up shoulder stand with fish pose, then hug the knees into the chest and take at least a one minute savasana to drink in all of the benefits.
Another rejuvenating practice is the 5 Tibetan Rites or exercises. To learn how you can empower your body’s own abilities to get your energy flowing — try yoga teacher Sarah Kline’s set.
Some great core work you can do are dolphin dives, which is like a modified downward facing dog. Start by grasping on to the outside of the elbows, plant them on the ground. You can either interlace your fingers or straighten the arms out so they are parallel with hands flat. Next you lift your hips up and back into this modified downward facing dog position. As you inhale, lengthen the body towards your hands, as you exhale push back to the modified downward facing dog. The goal is to bring the body parallel to the ground. It’s best to do around ten of these. This will also help prepare you for inversions such as headstand. Take a rejuvenating child’s pose after. 
Other powerful core asanas are plank, side plank, forearm plank, chaturanga dandasana, boat pose (which can be done with twisting, for extra challenge) and also life nerve stretch, which is a very popular kundalini exercise. For life nerve stretch, lay on your back, head, arms and legs lifted, legs should be about 6 inches off the ground and engage your rapid breath of fire for one minute. You can alternate legs or even keep both legs down while arms, head and neck are lifted. Keep the back of the neck long, chin slightly tucked. You may rest in savasana for 45 seconds. It’s recommended to do three rounds for one minute each.
So how does one crack that comforting place of stagnation? A better answer is to ask the question, what do you like about feeling stagnant? Does the space you are in allow you to be and do everything you can be and do? What is it going to take to allow that space to be available to you? 
Meditation sounds like it can be miles away from you because of all the stimulation we’re exposed to, but why not entertain yourself with a self guided visualization meditation? You can start by expressing to the forces of the universe and the heavens that you are in need of guidance to break up stagnation and allow for abundance. Ask the universe what is required to find balance and abundance. Begin to do silent self affirmations of what your heart desires, even if it doesn’t feel true to you now. This ritual practice can begin to make great transformation. You can do this for one minute, five minutes, or thirty; whatever feels right to you that day. Manifestation shows up in all kinds of ways, so with patience, allow what you desire to come to you.

Read the published article here:

Boutique Yoga is offering holiday specials, must be purchased by 1/10/12

We can offer these services in studio or we can come to you

Call or Email us to Purchase your Package or Session   917 651 7717

Re-Discover your home, that really warm place in your heart, and come celebrate this awesome body in yoga practice tonight @ 8pm here in Boutique Studios. 90 minute class will include everything your body desires plus a Forgiveness to Freedom Meditation, followed by a juicy svasana. Finding forgiveness for ourselves and others, will make the space we need to love ourselves and others, right here, right now! Lets let go of what no longer serves us and celebrate this journey together! Requested Donation $12-$15

Phoenix Rising

Join us Tonight @ 9:30 for the Lunar Eclipse & Celebration of the Earth!
Re-Birthday Celebration with Open Heart Meditation, Pachamama’s Mystical Journey Activation by Rosie Bravo,
featuring the musical vibrations, trance dance of purification of
From our South corner of the earth, Peru will be joining us in meditation & musical celebration, by INTI TAKI KUNA
Wear White & Red if possible
I cant express how blessed we are to have Alessandra performing here in our space.
Check out Alessandra’s music:
More info Below
Saturday 11/12 at 11am-Creative Hatha Vinyasa to start your weekend right with. Purify, balance, align, and glow!

Sunday 11/13 at 6pm & 8pm-2nd Chakra Celebration-Awakening our Creativity & Ability to Conceive (New Ideas)

Tuesday 11/15 at 6pm & 8pm -Hatha Vinyasa

Sundays 2 classes are going to be a 1st & 2nd Chakra celebration.
Are you hips and hamstrings tight? Do you feel a blockage in your flow of creativity and sexuality? Do you feel grounded and connected to your roots? Do you question if you are speaking from truth? Are you conceiving from a clear place?
As we clear any confusion and blockage in the lower half of the body, we will replace that space with powerful intention into these areas of the subtle body, that have so much to do with our being; through mantra (sound), meditation, dance and poses geared to further open these areas of our body on all levels. Once we clear ourselves from the ground up, it will allow us to awaken our kundalini energy to rise up. We will pour out what we don’t need, to make space to conceive new things. Come prepared to shake things up!

Are you ready to take ownership of your heart, awake and transcend the illusion of duality and separation? Light and Dark are Energies of Creation, we need both to propel us to the manifestation of our life purposes. Being a Master of Duality by integration, compassion, responsibility, discipline, respect, wisdom, passion and equilibrium, it’s what gives birth to the Avatar with in you. You’ll now be able to perform miracles in your own self and Mother Earth.. We are light and love personified. We just need some dusting, and light on our hearts…that’s all!©Meaning of 11-11-11 and the New Shift of Consciousness
© Ascended Masters/Goddesses/Gods
©DNA/RNA activation and decoding
©Female and Male Polarities Fertilization
©Orgasmic Kundalini Energy Activation through Body, Mind, Heart and Soul/Spirit Union
©Tarot/Alchemy/Reiki//W.I.T.C.H/Magician/Yogi/High Priestess!!

Pachamama’s Mystical Journey and Open Heart Meditation is blessed with a Transcendental Ceremony performed by especial guest Alessandra Belloni where we will be honoring Mother Earth through music, dance, passion, tranquility and joy.

We are blessed with trans-zen-dental music and dance by world renown percussionist, Alessandra, who will bring us healing from Italy and Brazil! Thank you Venus for bringing Alessandra to help us celebrate Mother Earth

You can also RSVP to this event via Facebook:!/event.php?eid=267500716619107