Archives for category: Uncategorized

For 3 years now, Bushwick Yoga has been growing at Boutique Yoga, Bushwick’s Donation Based Yoga, Meditation, & Healing Arts Community.

Classes integrate hatha, vinyasa, kundalini, as well as guided meditation.

Open to ALL Levels, check us out:

Thursday 4/12 at 8pm-9:30pm Boutique Yoga is offering a Healing Arts & Earth Day Retreat Meet n Greet followed by a Liver & Gall Bladder Cleanse Info Session

The Earth Day Retreat is a 3 day weekend retreat taking place at the beautiful Galiana Meditation Center nestled away in East Chatham, NY. The Green Bus will be taking us from NYC on this fun, transformational journey. Enjoy ORGANIC FOOD, YOGA, SACRED MOVEMENT, MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC, SONG SHARING, IMMERSION INTO PACHAMAMA, CONNECTING TO NEW & OLD FRIENDS, ENJOY THE MUSIC OF NATURE, SAUNA ALL ON A DIME! $300-$350 for EVERYTHING!!

The Meet N Greet Thursday will be an opportunity to meet the facilitators of this retreat, as well as meet other people in the healing arts to connect and blossom our family of Light in New York, to hopefully expand globally. Here you can ask questions and see if this is the right opportunity for you.


If you’ve scanned past the invite, but haven’t read the itinerary, I recommend it. The schedule is packed with so many phenomenal workshops.

Retreat Info:

Or you may visit us online-

We will be meeting at the home base for Boutique Yoga in Bushwick off the JMZ line (easy access).
I also wouldnt be surprised if a jam session were to come out of this, considering that all our facilitators are musicians…just a little thought, no promises! 😉

The retreat informational session is FREE, although we will be accepting donations for the space. Snacks and/or drinks are welcomed, especially if that is something you love to share 🙂

Requested contribution for Liver & Gall bladder cleanse info-$15

I will be accepting deposits at this meet n greet for those who were unsure and would like to move forward.

Following the meet n greet and questions, I will be offering an informational session to prepare those who are interested in a liver and gall bladder cleanse. This cleanse can be done for 1-2 weeks. This is one of the best cleanses Ive ever done, extremely thorough, allowing your body to do what it’s already doing at this time of year-cleaning itself out!
This cleanse will leave you feeling light, free, immune system extremely stronger, organs healthier, skin clearer, energy higher.
On this cleanse-YOU GET TO EAT!

If you are attending the retreat I HIGHLY recommend joining the Sangha (community) for this cleanse to really deepen the experience.

Looking forward to meeting all you beauties!

Boutique Yoga 1089 Broadway #3 Brooklyn, NY 11221      Call to be let in! 917.651.7717

Email me directly for questions, or if you can’t make it but would like the cleanse

Some days we feel excited, others calm and peaceful, and other days we can barely walk a straight line and are angry. Why? There are tons of reasons, but often we don’t consider or dismiss the power of our surrounding planets and stars and how they affect our life here on earth. I recommend checking in with what’s going on and you’ll possibly find some comfort and guidance into acceptance of all things that are real to you.

MARCH 19-20 – The SUN moves into ARIES at the Spring (or Fall Equinox in
Southern Hemisphere) 10:15 PM PDT. 5:15 AM GMT.

Aries lights our fire through April 18. There is a big energy shift at
the equinoxes. If you feel tired, don’t push yourself. Your body is
adjusting to the Earth changes.


The Aries New Moon invites us to try something new. How about waking up
to a new perspective or embarking on a new adventure?

APRIL 4 – MERCURY goes DIRECT. Mercury went retrograde March 12.

The days Mercury is retrograde and the days Mercury shifts direction are
great for meditation.

Take advantage of this inner time. Our mind is in reverse mode so we
can’t figure anything out anyway. After April 4, we will have more
clarity and we will feel like moving forward.


At this Full Moon the Aries Sun is opposite the Libra Moon. The message
is that relationships are not about the other person, but how WE are in
relationship. ME in relationship is another story!

APRIL 13 – MARS in Virgo goes DIRECT after almost 3 months retrograde
since January 23.

There is forward movement now. Hope you have cleaned out your inner and
outer closets.

APRIL 10 – PLUTO goes RETROGRADE for 5 months.

More introspection and deep rumblings expose subconscious programming
that needs to be cleared out.

SATURNis still RETROGRADE IN LIBRA until June 25.

Again, take a serious look at how YOU are in relationship. When we
change, our relationships change.

Info provided by Guru Rattana of Kundalini Yoga site-

I recommend signing up for her newsletter for more info.

-Reflecting on the seeds that have been planted and watered since t…he last new moon
-Awakening our connection to our anscestors
-Clearing space to connect to our true consciousness
-Opening up to the fire of creative passion
-Co-creating a journey to contribute our gifts to the universal life force
-Song Sharing and Exploration of Alchemy through Sound & Mantra
-marvelous percussionist, John Kazar, will be providing beats for this journey
-Song Sharing, we invite you to contribute a song. We ask that it is practiced as it will be your gift to offer..

Requested Donation $10-Infinity
FREE IF YOU SHARE A SONG, although all donations are welcomed and appreciated

Dress in a manner you’d like to meet your spirit guide in

Email us to

In Light,

Kristin & John
Boutique Yoga
1089 Broadway
Bushwick, NY 11221
(917) 651-7717

Sunday 11/13/11 @ 6pm & 8pm-2nd Chakra Awakening-Awakening our Creativity & Ability to Conceive (New Ideas)                              AWAKEN YOUR FULLEST CREATIVE POTENTIAL through yoga asana, breath work, mantra (sound), and meditation.

Join us Tonight @ 9:30 for the Lunar Eclipse & Celebration of the Earth!
Re-Birthday Celebration with Open Heart Meditation, Pachamama’s Mystical Journey Activation by Rosie Bravo,
featuring the musical vibrations, trance dance of purification of
From our South corner of the earth, Peru will be joining us in meditation & musical celebration, by INTI TAKI KUNA
Wear White & Red if possible
I cant express how blessed we are to have Alessandra performing here in our space.
Check out Alessandra’s music:
More info Below
Saturday 11/12 at 11am-Creative Hatha Vinyasa to start your weekend right with. Purify, balance, align, and glow!

Sunday 11/13 at 6pm & 8pm-2nd Chakra Celebration-Awakening our Creativity & Ability to Conceive (New Ideas)

Tuesday 11/15 at 6pm & 8pm -Hatha Vinyasa

Sundays 2 classes are going to be a 1st & 2nd Chakra celebration.
Are you hips and hamstrings tight? Do you feel a blockage in your flow of creativity and sexuality? Do you feel grounded and connected to your roots? Do you question if you are speaking from truth? Are you conceiving from a clear place?
As we clear any confusion and blockage in the lower half of the body, we will replace that space with powerful intention into these areas of the subtle body, that have so much to do with our being; through mantra (sound), meditation, dance and poses geared to further open these areas of our body on all levels. Once we clear ourselves from the ground up, it will allow us to awaken our kundalini energy to rise up. We will pour out what we don’t need, to make space to conceive new things. Come prepared to shake things up!

Are you ready to take ownership of your heart, awake and transcend the illusion of duality and separation? Light and Dark are Energies of Creation, we need both to propel us to the manifestation of our life purposes. Being a Master of Duality by integration, compassion, responsibility, discipline, respect, wisdom, passion and equilibrium, it’s what gives birth to the Avatar with in you. You’ll now be able to perform miracles in your own self and Mother Earth.. We are light and love personified. We just need some dusting, and light on our hearts…that’s all!©Meaning of 11-11-11 and the New Shift of Consciousness
© Ascended Masters/Goddesses/Gods
©DNA/RNA activation and decoding
©Female and Male Polarities Fertilization
©Orgasmic Kundalini Energy Activation through Body, Mind, Heart and Soul/Spirit Union
©Tarot/Alchemy/Reiki//W.I.T.C.H/Magician/Yogi/High Priestess!!

Pachamama’s Mystical Journey and Open Heart Meditation is blessed with a Transcendental Ceremony performed by especial guest Alessandra Belloni where we will be honoring Mother Earth through music, dance, passion, tranquility and joy.

We are blessed with trans-zen-dental music and dance by world renown percussionist, Alessandra, who will bring us healing from Italy and Brazil! Thank you Venus for bringing Alessandra to help us celebrate Mother Earth

You can also RSVP to this event via Facebook:!/event.php?eid=267500716619107

Sunday, September 18th @ 8-9:45pm.
Requested Donation-$15-$25 (Minimum donation is $15)

Mystic Womb Meditation, by Rosie Bravo

To honor this truth and to honor the female energy in all of us, I created this meditation. Here we will ground our hearts and wombs into the nucleus of Mother Earth, allowing her energetic frequencies of transmutation and healing love to fuse with our current DNA-Selves by gently and subtlety awakening our Kundalini Orgasmic Energy and by balancing our male/female polarities in a ceremony of energetic self love making and fertilization. This way, we can finally be able to conceive the Woman who we really desire to be in the now and give birth to a completely new Female re-evolution of love and respect on Earth.

Intention: Help each women conceive an internal re-evolution towards Enlightenment by reconnecting with the wisdom of their wombs and hearts. As women, we possess the honor of holding the wisdom of the Cosmos inside of our wombs. We have the power to nurture and serve it as the perfect space to take form and enter this world, not just as a baby, but as loving wisdom in different shapes. Let’s honor this gift by accepting and recognizing that we are an essential part of this Earth. We are valuable and deserve the best of life. “You must be the woman, you wish to see in this world!”

Thank you UrbanZen, for your support, for your selfless devotion for awareness and well being.