Archives for category: Kundalini Brooklyn

CelestialDanceDivine Feminine Prayer

Thursday, March 21st 8-10:15pm

This workshop is for ladies to attend, but is a gift for ourselves and all of mankind.

Women-I welcome you to join me in prayer and meditation, so that we may open the portholes to the earth and receptivity, allowing for infinite gifts and possibilities. I also would like for us to focus on sending appreciation, and receiving the powerful gifts that the women who walked before us, who helped us earn the freedom we have today.

This workshop is going to be serious, but also FUN! It’s funny, but it just so seems the laws of science respond to the vibrations of joy 😉

In honor of women’s history month, the first thing that comes to my mind when I think of femininity, or women, is the most divine woman of us all-Earth.

I believe that women have an innate connection to the voice of the Earth, so I hope for myself and all of us, to allow ourselves to better use that voice, and honor the responsibility that comes with that gift.

In these times of change, I call women to join together in prayer and meditation, so we can heal the feminine aspects of ourselves, and come to a focused prayer of that for all of mankind, to help activate the Earth’s (and her inhabitants’) experience in a colorful and positive way.

I hope for us to allow our full power to flow, collectively coming to a vision as a group, to open the gates of receptivity and love.

I look forward to grounding myself more, and opening up to these infinite gifts and possibilities that are available.

Workshop Includes:

-Free flowing dance-to loosen up

-Divine femine yoga poses-to open and connect

-Guided meditation and prayer

-Song sharing

Requested Donation-$7-$infinity

PLEASE BRING A CANDLE FOR YOURSELF (one where the flame is not covered by glass)

We welcome Fruit, tea, or any healthy snack contributions.

-Reflecting on the seeds that have been planted and watered since t…he last new moon
-Awakening our connection to our anscestors
-Clearing space to connect to our true consciousness
-Opening up to the fire of creative passion
-Co-creating a journey to contribute our gifts to the universal life force
-Song Sharing and Exploration of Alchemy through Sound & Mantra
-marvelous percussionist, John Kazar, will be providing beats for this journey
-Song Sharing, we invite you to contribute a song. We ask that it is practiced as it will be your gift to offer..

Requested Donation $10-Infinity
FREE IF YOU SHARE A SONG, although all donations are welcomed and appreciated

Dress in a manner you’d like to meet your spirit guide in

Email us to

In Light,

Kristin & John
Boutique Yoga
1089 Broadway
Bushwick, NY 11221
(917) 651-7717

Boutique Yoga is Excited to Welcome you Into the Space for a Journey where we’ll co-create to meet our spirit guide and pray to a collective energetic force that holds us together and feeds the spirits of all elements.
We will be celebrating the new moon, which is a time …of new beginnings, planting new seeds for the month to come. It also happens to be the Chinese New Year!

Evening will consist of moving to break up stagnant energy, powerful kundalini breath work, guided meditation, sound healing and a song sharing celebration.

We invite you to share a devotional song, mantra, or prayer. It is required that it is practiced, as it will be a gift to your spirit guide.

John, Boutique Studios founder, will be providing musical accompaniment on this journey. He is known for his world music drumming and has graced the beat of percussion for 30 years.

Requested Donation $7-$12 (No one turned away) FREE IF YOU SHARE A SONG! Although all donations are accepted 😉

Dress in a manner that you would like to meet your spirit guide in. Feel free to be creative 🙂


Please feel free to share this event with friends.

In Light,

Kristin & John
Boutique Yoga
1089 Broadway
Bushwick, NY 11221

(917) 651-7717

Boutique Yoga is offering holiday specials, must be purchased by 1/10/12

We can offer these services in studio or we can come to you

Call or Email us to Purchase your Package or Session   917 651 7717

Phoenix Rising

Join us Tonight @ 9:30 for the Lunar Eclipse & Celebration of the Earth!
Re-Birthday Celebration with Open Heart Meditation, Pachamama’s Mystical Journey Activation by Rosie Bravo,
featuring the musical vibrations, trance dance of purification of
From our South corner of the earth, Peru will be joining us in meditation & musical celebration, by INTI TAKI KUNA
Wear White & Red if possible
I cant express how blessed we are to have Alessandra performing here in our space.
Check out Alessandra’s music:
More info Below
Saturday 11/12 at 11am-Creative Hatha Vinyasa to start your weekend right with. Purify, balance, align, and glow!

Sunday 11/13 at 6pm & 8pm-2nd Chakra Celebration-Awakening our Creativity & Ability to Conceive (New Ideas)

Tuesday 11/15 at 6pm & 8pm -Hatha Vinyasa

Sundays 2 classes are going to be a 1st & 2nd Chakra celebration.
Are you hips and hamstrings tight? Do you feel a blockage in your flow of creativity and sexuality? Do you feel grounded and connected to your roots? Do you question if you are speaking from truth? Are you conceiving from a clear place?
As we clear any confusion and blockage in the lower half of the body, we will replace that space with powerful intention into these areas of the subtle body, that have so much to do with our being; through mantra (sound), meditation, dance and poses geared to further open these areas of our body on all levels. Once we clear ourselves from the ground up, it will allow us to awaken our kundalini energy to rise up. We will pour out what we don’t need, to make space to conceive new things. Come prepared to shake things up!

Are you ready to take ownership of your heart, awake and transcend the illusion of duality and separation? Light and Dark are Energies of Creation, we need both to propel us to the manifestation of our life purposes. Being a Master of Duality by integration, compassion, responsibility, discipline, respect, wisdom, passion and equilibrium, it’s what gives birth to the Avatar with in you. You’ll now be able to perform miracles in your own self and Mother Earth.. We are light and love personified. We just need some dusting, and light on our hearts…that’s all!©Meaning of 11-11-11 and the New Shift of Consciousness
© Ascended Masters/Goddesses/Gods
©DNA/RNA activation and decoding
©Female and Male Polarities Fertilization
©Orgasmic Kundalini Energy Activation through Body, Mind, Heart and Soul/Spirit Union
©Tarot/Alchemy/Reiki//W.I.T.C.H/Magician/Yogi/High Priestess!!

Pachamama’s Mystical Journey and Open Heart Meditation is blessed with a Transcendental Ceremony performed by especial guest Alessandra Belloni where we will be honoring Mother Earth through music, dance, passion, tranquility and joy.

We are blessed with trans-zen-dental music and dance by world renown percussionist, Alessandra, who will bring us healing from Italy and Brazil! Thank you Venus for bringing Alessandra to help us celebrate Mother Earth

You can also RSVP to this event via Facebook:!/event.php?eid=267500716619107

High Priestess Earthly Re-birthday Celebration with Open Heart Meditation
Pachamama’s Mystical Journey Activation
By Rosa N. Bravo

Requested Donation: $33 to $Infinite (minimum donation $33)

Email or Call to RSVP

A night of an internal Cosmic Lunar Eclipse so we can ALL Glow in the Dark as Rock-Stars (because we are made out of light and matter) on EARTH!

The moment that we all have been waiting for, consciously and unconsciously, has arrived. The High Priestess/Goddess’s Energy is celebrating her Re-birth on Earth as the Yin/negative Energy. Earnestly, she’s been desiring to reunite with her Eternal Lover the Magician (Yang/positive), and become One with All. The Cosmos has granted her desire and this union is finally manifesting in the 3rd dimension on 11/11/11. Their yin/yang union can now alchemize and create beauty out of the Confusion and Chaos that it’s been ruling over the face of their cosmic love child Earth and all of Us. We are the Orgasm of the Cosmos on Earth, let’s start the new Human Re-evolution once and for all. We have the gift of choice and the power of our free will to decide where we wish to go next as an individual self and as a collective self.

Are you ready to take ownership of your heart, awake and transcend the illusion of duality and separation? Light and Dark are Energies of Creation, we need both to propel us to the manifestation of our life purposes. Being a Master of Duality by integration, compassion, responsibility, discipline, respect, wisdom, passion and equilibrium, it’s what gives birth to the Avatar with in you. You’ll now be able to perform miracles in your own self and Mother Earth.. We are light and love personified. We just need some dusting, and light on our hearts…that’s all!

©Meaning of 11-11-11 and the New Shift of Consciousness
© Ascended Masters/Goddesses/Gods
©DNA/RNA activation and decoding
©Female and Male Polarities Fertilization
©Orgasmic Kundalini Energy Activation through Body, Mind, Heart and Soul/Spirit Union
©Tarot/Alchemy/Reiki//W.I.T.C.H/Magician/Yogi/High Priestess!!

Guests of Honor: Isis/Osiris, Jesus Christ/Mary Magdalene, Shiva/Kali, Krishna/Radharani, Yemanja/Shango, Quan Yin/Budhda, Lakshmi, Kuthumi, Paramahansa Yoga Nanda, St. Germain, Lady Nada, Serapis Bay, Mother Mary, I AM presence, Incas, Mayas, Orishas, White Buffalo Woman, Grand Mother, God Mother/Father, Epona, Confucius, Socrates, Virgin of the Mystic Rose, Oshun, Black Madona,The Entire Cosmos of Light and All of Us.

Light Gate keepers: Ganesh, Inca Ruminahui, and Archangels Michael, Raphael, Uriel, Gabriel

Supervised by: Archangel Metatron, Goddess Planet Venus, and The Elemental Kingdom

As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being. Carl Jung.

All in Love and Light welcome!!